Another day on Facebook and Twitter, and another day of a dozen advertisements from social media ‘experts’ who want to help your business. It’s the never-ending scroll of lead generation solutions. You understand that social media is important, even critical. So maybe you try one of the gimmicks or gurus. Or two or three of them. And you end up right back where you were. As lost as ever, and it sort of feels like you’re starting your career all over again. You feel left behind. Is this daunting thing called social media really going to wreck your career?

Just like you, BrandFace® Founder, Tonya Eberhart, had to learn what social media was all about. She spent 18 years in the media industry. The last six of those years, she created integrated marketing campaigns for her clients across multiple media platforms. TV, internet, radio, daily newspaper, weekly newspaper, direct mail, magazines, etc. All of them. And at the same time, social media was beginning to boom. It was ‘do or die’ if she was going to remain relevant.

What She Learned About Advertising

She quickly learned that all of the gimmicks and gurus were putting the cart before the horse. They were focusing on the ‘tools’, ‘ads’, and ‘posts’ before they helped their customers with the most important part of all: Who are you?

Questions That Determine Your Brand

When people encounter you on social media, will they (at a glance) know what you do that sets you apart? Will they see an image of you that is highly memorable? Will they immediately identify with what you offer? Will they feel comfortable enough to recommend you to their network?

The 3-D Branding Solution 

The real problem is you can buy all the tools and ads you want, but at the end of the day, if you haven’t defined, developed, and displayed your brand correctly, prospects may know ‘what’ you do, but they still won’t know why they should choose you over everyone else in your industry who is doing the same things. You end up being just another face in the crowd.  And no tool will fix that. 

The problem isn’t Facebook, TikTok, LinkedIn, Instagram or YouTube. Those platforms become very easy to work if the horse is in front of the cart. In fact, all of your marketing is super easy once you define YOU. The tools and systems only work if your horse is saddled up properly and knows where he’s going.