Be BOLD Branding Podcast

Everything begins from within. And that includes your personal brand. We can’t ignore our inner voice, and we shouldn’t. But, sometimes that inner voice leads us in a direction we don’t want to go….and most of the time, it’s truly an unconscious thing. Today, we’re talking about the importance of developing your INNER brand before you let it shine for the rest of the world to see.

  Recap & Takeaways

  • Take the time to tell your story.

  •  Your path is going to be different. Ignore everyone else’s story, we all have our own unique perspective.

  • Live your story and brand with great conviction

Show Notes

0:20 3 things you need before presenting yourself to the world
We can’t ignore our inner voice and we shouldn’t but sometimes that inner voice leads us into a direction we don’t want to go, and most of the time is truly an unconscious thing, so today we’re talking about the importance of developing your inner brand before you let it shine for the world to see. We believe that there are 3 things that need to happen before you present yourself the way you really want the world to see you. But the problem is that so many of us believe things about ourselves that are not true and are impacting the way we show up to the world, our own beliefs bring serious limitations and they hold us back a lot of times from being who we really are or who we really want to be. So let’s dig into the three things that can help you develop your inner brand so you can shine outwardly and create that abundance that you’re looking for

2:42 N.1 Take the time to tell your story.
Everybody has a story and you may not realize just how impactful your story is, you’re not supposed to have somebody else’s story, you have your own and I assure you the things you think are unimportant are probably the very things that can help somebody else. So when you’re thinking about your own story ask yourself “Was there a specific person or event in your life that influenced who you are or what you are doing today?” If you ask yourself that question is going to tell you a whole heck of a lot and you going to find stories that you really didn’t realize existed before

5:13 N.2 Your path is going to be different
N.2 Ignore everyone else’s story, we all have our own unique perspective. If you got your eye on somebody else and you think, “Man I wish I could be like them”, you are not living your life, you’re living theirs, in the shadows because your path is going to be different

Number 3 is: Live your story with conviction, once you understand your story and why you do what you do it becomes very credible, not just for you but for the people you are doing it for they understand why and how you are equipped to help them and that brings even more confidence that you’re heading in the right direction

9:36 Live your story and brand with great conviction
Today we can feel very confident, tomorrow someone says or does something that literally makes us doubt ourselves so live your story and brand with great conviction, I can tell you it’s much easier to do that once your brand is built from the top to bottom, every day your brand messaging and the image will remind you of your mission