
Be the Face of Your Business & a Star in Your Industry

“People don’t do business with a logo. They do business with a person.”

BrandFace® is not the first book on personal branding. And Tonya Eberhart is not the first author to write about personal branding, but she is the first to define the essential BrandFace™ elements that you need to effectively utilize integrated marketing principles and multiple media platforms to transform you into the face of your own brand.

Marketing has become more complex. There are literally thousands of new marketing and advertising choices available now that were unheard of just a decade ago. In order to stand out, business owners and leaders must understand and accept two things: which marketing tools to use in order to maximize effectiveness; and how to leverage their own knowledge, expertise and image to become THE BrandFace® star in their industry.

About The Author

Tonya Eberhart

Tonya Eberhart is an international bestselling author, speaker, podcaster, and founder of BrandFace, a branding firm with clients around the globe that helps coaches & creators attract, convert, and charge more for their services by building a stand out personal brand.

She has authored four books on the subject of personal branding designed to help business owners and entrepreneurs focus on their point of differentiation so they can stand out, out-market, and out-sell their competition.

Her favorite statement is, “A great brand doesn’t just change the way others see you. It changes the way you see yourself.”

About The Author

Tonya Eberhart

Tonya Eberhart is an international bestselling author, speaker, podcaster, and founder of BrandFace, a branding firm with clients around the globe that helps coaches & creators attract, convert, and charge more for their services by building a stand-out personal brand.

She has authored four books on the subject of personal branding designed to help business owners and entrepreneurs focus on their point of differentiation so they can stand out, out-market, and out-sell their competition.

Her favorite statement is, “A great brand doesn’t just change the way others see you. It changes the way you see yourself.”

What’s inside the book

Waiting for you inside the book are:

✅The 10 traits of every successful BrandFace®
✅The secrets behind nationally recognized BrandFace® stars
✅How to determine which kind of BrandFace® you are
✅The first steps you need to take to launch your BrandFace®
✅Implementation plans for dozens of integrated media and social tools
✅A comprehensive list of elements that will help make you a BrandFace® star!

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