Be BOLD Branding Podcast

How To Leverage Other People’s Audiences

If you’re like most experts, you feel like you’ve been on so many podcasts, summits, and panels, and you’re wondering if it’s all worth the time.

As you know, building profitable personal brands is all we do, and we can’t stress how important it is to POSITION…PACKAGE…AND PRESENT yourself AND your super power with great clarity FIRST.  Once you do that, you can LEVERAGE that brand to make all of your appearances PROFITABLE.  And that’s where this guest comes in.

We speak with Melanie Benson, Authority Amplifier & Possibility Ignitor for Expert-preneurs.  She has a proven track record of accelerating results for her clients by helping them leverage other people’s audiences.

Show Notes

0:00 Intro

1:55 The power of the right question can be a huge catalyst to shift our perspective I found coaching after feeling unaligned with the corporate path. Coaching allowed me to help people achieve big goals and shift perspectives, transforming individuals and making a positive impact on the planet.

03:48 Three keys that I think are a super big deal breaker Three key elements for successful guesting: Your topic, your pitch to hosts, and crafting a compelling conversation that resonates with the audience.

5:54 Pitch well and know which topic is going to have an impact on that show When pitching, understand the host’s show, lead with value, and ensure your topic aligns with your message and the audience you want to reach.

12:14 Transform the competition into collaborative partners Transform competition into collaboration. Find ways to teach a piece of the puzzle that complements your competitors’ expertise.

15:10 The fourth mistake is you don’t really know why you’re going out and guesting Have a clear outcome in mind when guesting. Targeted and aligned visibility is more impactful than being on every show.

17:31 Having a podcast elevates your authority Identify your superpowers and focus on what moves the needle for you. Being a podcast guest elevates authority and attracts opportunities.

20:17 Guesting is so powerful, it’s an accelerator Guesting is easier and accelerates growth. Being a guest on someone else’s stage taps into their authority and expands your reach.

24:14 Just be willing to do it and learn from it Take the initiative and start pitching. Learn from the process, refine your pitch, and be persistent.

25:15 I am a different person when I am in that part of the world Italy’s rich culture and energy make it a magical destination that transports us to a different time.

26:33 A resource that I’m going to gift to the audience today Visit for a gift: “17 Common Mistakes That Guest Experts Make” to turn podcast guest opportunities into leads and clients.

27:59 A lot more can happen when we co-create rather than compete Embrace an abundance mindset and collaborate with co-hosts to create a profitable and enriching dynamic while reaching new audiences.